I had this on my reading list and was able to spend time on it during “New Year’s Weekend.” The book was a quick read, and I will recommend everyone read it.
The book highlights the importance of task prioritization and the steps to do so. The phrase “Eat That Frog” is all about doing the toughest task first and creating different checklists to ensure those tasks are done.
Taken as a whole, this book gives someone the tools they need to turn their life around (if they’re in a bad place) or get to the next level (if they’re already doing well).
It’s not just about learning tools to make you more productive. It’s also about figuring out what you do best and putting that at the top of your list of things to do.
I found the idea of “practice creative procrastination” to be the most interesting one here.
We can’t get everything done in one day, so if you do the things that MUST get done, you can put off doing the things that won’t sink the ship if you don’t do them.
You’re doing things and not doing things at the same time, which feeds your inner procrastinator.
The key is: Prioritize your tasks!
This reminded me of the Eisenhower Decision Matrix where he highlighted how Planning, prioritizing, delegating, and scheduling can help you see the best ways to get things done and boost your productivity. The book indeed gives more perspective about it and how we should plan that better.

I strongly recommend reading this, and the best thing that happened to me was reading it on 1st day of the year. I hope I can take the lessons learned and improve my habit of procrastinating.